What People Are Saying About Ace Odyssey:

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“I loved being in a space of powerful women listening, understanding, and learning from their experiences and advice. My favorite part was how every topic was interconnected to identity and relationships. Looking forward to your forum next month :)”

— Julie L, 21

“On Saturday morning, Alanah facilitated a conversation about relationships with me and some other young girls. This was a safe place for us to express our opinions, concerns and perspectives. We comfortably exchanged ideas and discussed how our own lives were affected and shaped by these concepts… The ideas that Alanah prompted for us to discuss left me feeling comforted and confident and left me with new perspectives to ponder on.”

— Alicie P, 17

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“I often think long and hard about the state of the world and my place in it, and having a place to speak about those things will be good outlet. Even more, I'm looking forward to hearing what others have to say. I always enjoy learning from other perspectives, and in the focus group that Alanah facilitates, I can do just that!”

— Sydney, 18